
新月直播 Policy Content:

新月直播pedia is a wiki. A wiki is a social software tool that allows all of the members of a community to jointly create, edit search and browse a dynamic database of information.

Wikis can be used for project documentation (planning a conference, starting a new program), creating an evolving and historical body of information about an event or location (orientation, alumni weekend, restaurant reviews, book club readings, etc.), developing an internal collection of information about processes (policies, procedures, knowledge base), sharing course materials co-created by faculty and students, and a myriad of other applications. The key characteristic of a wiki is the ease with which community members can create, edit and access pages on the web. For more information on how faculty can integrate wiki technology into their teaching and learning, visit the 新月直播 Academic Technologies page.

新月直播pedia is a product of, by and for the 新月直播 community, but much of the content is also viewable by the world. The College provides wiki services to faculty, staff and students, and to other affiliated classes of individuals. Broad and active participation is encouraged. As a dynamic community resource, 新月直播pedia's success depends on the actions of all of the community members. No attempt will be made to censor content, but pages will be removed and contributors may be barred from contributing if the content is not in compliance with local, state and federal laws and College policies.

Simple Rules of the Road

  • Participate in a respectful and civil way. 新月直播pedia is not a soapbox or battleground, but can be a forum for thoughtful presentation of various views on a topic. See the Wikipedia page on Civility for additional information about respectful participation.
  • Use materials like pictures, music or other media that you have created or that you have the legal right to use. See the Occidental policy on Copyright for guidance. Do not add materials or text to 新月直播pedia if you are in doubt about its copyright status.
  • Collaboration involves more than one individual. 新月直播pedia spaces are not for creating an individual web page or blog.
  • Make sure that content on all 新月直播pedia spaces adheres to 新月直播's Appropriate Use Policy. Do not include any confidential or sensitive information in an 新月直播pedia space.
  • Take responsibility for 新月直播pedia's success by reporting pages that violate civility, copyright or appropriate use policies.

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Academic Commons

1st Floor, Suite 116